Sunday, October 28, 2012

ModPo Cocoa

The Wing-It Vegan blog's hot chocolate has inspired me to do a similar "lazy post." So here's my hot cocoa mug. Using almond milk and Ghirardelli cocoa, I made a veganized version of this Hershey's recipe. I also added some coconut cream that refused to whip up (drat!). This cocoa was a rich and creamy treat.

I enjoyed this mug while watching a video from the Coursera class I am taking on Modern and Contemporary Poetry, a.k.a. "ModPo." Besides VeganMoFo, ModPo has been keeping me glued to my laptop this month. How I love this class! The professor Al Filreis is a dynamo and the TAs are all wicked smart. There are so many passionate poetry peeps online. Right now we are studying The New York School of poetry and doing a close reading of Frank O'Hara's poem "Why I Am Not a Painter." Next week we start the Language poets. It's thrilling stuff.

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